Monday, May 20, 2013

Grace Rauh Surealism


  1. It's too subtle. Not enough going on. Perhaps that is your point, but personally I would add a few more layers of detail. It looks a bit too digital and manipulated, though the job you did on blending the layers and revealing the reflections of the droplets is superb, it's honestly some of the most detailed and convincing effects I have seen on this blog, except for one thing; the droplets that are overplayed near the edges are still tack sharp, even though the photo is blurred. Isolate those and add a slight Lens blur to fit the droplets that are blurred because of the shallow depth of field in that part of the image. Also the color correction of the grass does not look natural; play with the adjustment layers to blend better, try levels to add contrast and shift the white balance to the warmer side. Then, color correct the whole thing using the color balance tool, make each tonal range (shadows, midtones, heilights) a different hue. ramp up the contrast with levels, maybe increase the saturation.

    These are all just my personal opinions, I understand completely if you just want to be done with this project.

  2. Thank you for your generous commentary Geoffrey. It's great to hear your voice.
