Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Emma's Surreality

So the narrative behind my surreality is the idea of a vampire sucking the color out of me and then laying me to rest in a creek. I purposely edited any reflection out of my eyes because vampires don't reflect and it made me look dead-er. The picture below is the one I got my idea from.


  1. Perhaps take inspiration from Voldemort's death in the Deathly Hallows pt.2. He kind of dissolves into many pieces of flesh, the life and color drained from him. If somehow it could look life you are rapidly decaying, that would greatly add to the complexity of the effect. Also, the perspective of the water does not at all align with that of the photo, unless that is the point. I think that the entire thing would benefit from a color grade, there isn't much atmosphere or depth to it. also the hair you have deleated to give the effect that it is underwatter should be reduced in opacity, blured verry slightly, have a ripple effect applied, and tinted blue to be more effective. Otherwise a pretty neat concept, just some refinement would take it to the next level

  2. I love love love the first one
