Friday, May 10, 2013

Color Wonder

             Here is the final editied version of Color Wonder. Thank you for ALL of your passion.                  
                                              The Art Department is incredibly proud of you.


  1. Who has critial feedback? What is successful? Suprises? Are there any moments that are confusing? What films does our claymation reference?

  2. Very interesting, looks very professional. Looks like the hard work paid off!

  3. The last scene was the best-very powerful and emotional
    Well done

  4. Really like the lighting effects, especially from the lights coming from inside of the buildings in the last shot. Also, my favorite part is the black/white tumbleweeds changing into color, I thought that part was really well done with fading in and out the objects with the light.

  5. I really liked Color Wonder. Great job Geoffrey and Emily. I know it's too late to change, but one thing that would have looked better is if the girl was made out of darker colored clay because she's hard to see in fornt of the white background.

  6. I really enjoyed the music in the piece it definitely added a lot to the movie in general. There is one part right before the city scene where it does skip like a beat or something, i might have been the only one to hear that but other than that it was perfect :)

  7. I like the moment when they're in the city and the light surrounds them. Nice Job with the lighting and color effects!

    1. jeez when was the last time mr eric pederson posted a comment ont he blog

  8. Also, awesome music. One of my favorite songs by Ratatat

  9. LOVE THIS SO MUCH. The song really added a special something to it, and made it flow fabulously. Great Editing Emily and Geoffry!!!!!!

  10. nice job with the splatter to transition from black and white to color wonder

  11. I'm really happy with the outcome: Despite the slight technical difficulties, the time constraint, and small mis-communication confusion, I'm really glad we did this >_< I'm really happy we decided on the song we did; it matches better than the opera one, haha

  12. The scene where the rest of the town is being splattered and the light is shining on them was a huge surprise! I really like it; I think it adds a modern touch to this claymation. I also thought the scene where the camera is circling around the characters is cool, but I don't know if it is necesssary. All in all, your hard work really paid off. Nice job!

  13. I loved how the world came to life with the color. I also really enjoyed the music and how the sadness was portrayed in the beginning. I was surprised with how realistic the city scene was in the end. Great job all!

  14. The scene when the two entered the cave could be a little smoother from the box/wall to the cave that we made out of clay

  15. I love the splatter paint scene!! i think our vision for this project was taken in a great direction and the film turned out great. nice job to the editors!

  16. Good work work everyone! Thank you for everyone helping and giving their time.

  17. how the whole thing came into color flowed really well. One of my favorite parts was at the beginning with the trees and tumbleweed, I didn't know what those were really going to be used for until the world premiere of our video. The characters looked really good and the color box with the light opening looked really well.


    what is that???
    the story is told really really well, maybe a little bit confusing but overall well done for sure! you made the colors really shine to help juxtapose it to the black and white world to really emphasize the meaning.
    great job to everyone who worked on this!

  20. what is the song called the music is incredible!?
