Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weekend Notes: Thank You!!

Thank you to my comrades for your patience this week as we are installing the Spring Art Show. I've been fried intellectually. It's back breaking work on the Art Department's end but the joy it brings the school is the ultimate reward. Make sure to say thank you to Mrs. Buckley, she is an incredible chair to the art department.What inspires me is the incredible AG force/vibe and your willingness to explore Gif's like deep sea divers/astronauts. Depends if you consider yourself more of a fish or bird. New terrane for BA. My dream is that a few of you will become film/documentary makers. In the end, people that bring both beauty/information/social change to our incredible blue planet.

Another quick note:
Holy Toledo! Have you seen Anthony Klein's claymation?

Are you working on your claymation?
Can you post your progress? Your thoughts? Ideas? Discoveries? Trouble Shoot?

It's going to be amazing to include these Gif's in the spring art show.

Thank you to everyone for leading the class in such a hard working, positive manner.
-Mrs. Bruhn

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