Thursday, April 4, 2013

The most valuable camera. Your Eye.

For a few of my fellas with some color vision impairment take a look at this diagram. Simply, genetically you are missing some of the cones in the retina. With time, hopefully in our life time, there will be a solution. If I have a son he will have a 50% chance of being red/green color blind. The XY chromosome gets jumbled up, it happens in the empty tail of the Y.

Optics began with the development of lenses by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians. The earliest known lenses, made from polished crystal, often quartz, date from as early as 700 BC for Assyrian lenses such as the Layard/Nimrud lens.[2] The ancient Romans and Greeks filled glass spheres with water to make lenses. These practical developments were followed by the development of theories of light and vision by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers, and the development of geometrical optics in the Greco-Roman world. The word optics comes from the ancient Greek word ὀπτική, meaning appearance or look.[3]
Apologies for using Wikipedia. There are many other great resources to further dissect this topic. Plainly put, I love eye balls.