Thursday, April 25, 2013

Adil Giff 2

I know i need to add more: any ideas?


  1. Maybe incorporating a photographic element? perhaps just adding more and more layers to make it really psychedelically? remember the GIF can incorporate the full range of artistic tools Photoshop has to offer, so maybe try layering with glow effects and light effects to make it look more photorealistic? maybe a background would help, or reinvent the GIF entirely and have these spheres abstracted with glow effects and flying through 3d space. I like the infinite loop quality of it, and I agree it needs more elements. The best place to start is with some interesting images and sub materials that you then warp almost beyond recognition. This thing with the balls has been overused by everyone, to me it seems kind of lazy. Try something different, look around on the internet for inspiration in GIFs other people have done, get a concept in your mind and then change it to suit your style. To make something good, you have to take time with it. You will not get this done well in a single class period. What makes this project exponentially more involved than anything we have done in the class before is the addition of the time element. My suggestion is dont think about how the design will move initially. Just build up something that looks really neat as a still image, as you would with any project. Add all the junk that Photoshop has to offer, building up the piece. THEN and only then create 20 or so frames, and then move the layers around in some way, distorting them, changing their color or opacity, and then bringing them back to the start to created a seamless loop make them stay on the screen for either "none" or .1 of a second. Anything faster will likely look jerky as this does.

    Good Luck.
