Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Extreme Sports Gifs by Parker


  1. WOOOWWW! Parker, excellent studies. The red flashing shoe draws me in for several reasons:
    1. The photograph is still, yet the color is flickering in and out, in and out for eternity. The Gif has a great advantage over a short film. The viewer is able to truly relish in the image.
    2. Red is iconic in cinema. I immediately think of the film The Red Ballon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEW1TnIxp2Y
    3. One of my ultimate, very favorite painters painters Phillip Guston made many paintings of shoes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JWFAWUrS6Y

  2. Wes has voted the 1st kick flip is the SWEETEST.

  3. these are SO cool
    i like the first one especially cuz only the board is moving
    and the color thing is really well done and sophisticated too

  4. Very cool! Maybe add more action to the bottom image though
