Monday, April 22, 2013

Spain .gif

Photo that i took in Spain  its really rough and i could spend more time on it, but the general idea is that its a cloudy day, and the sun peeks through for just a moment to shine on part of the building.
Apparently it didn't go through ill try again to repost it


  1. I like the concept a lot, but I don't think it quite exported correctly(I could very well be going crazy though). I had the same issue(due to the fact I used CS6, which doesn't have ">animation" under "window". I changed the workspace to "media and video". I exported it as an MP4, which isn't gif, but it still can portray a similar concept. If it's just me, then please ignore all of that ^^^. I really do love the picture, though- Artsy ^_^

  2. i really like how you edited the pic to give it some life!
