Monday, April 29, 2013

My Independent Project: 3D Modeling/Animation

I've been teaching myself a 3D modeling animation called Cinema 4D R13, and this is an example of what it can do. I created this by sculpting spheres, coloring them, lighting them up, giving them physics, and syncing them to a music track using an effector object. MAKE SURE TO WATCH WITH SOUND ON! :3

1 comment:

  1. Well Parker, you have tools to create almost any 3d rendering you could imagine. What I suggest going forward is that you apply your skills to a project. It can be anything, any story line, any plot, but what will ultimately benefit you the most is not only the ability to create isolated 3d rendering "tests" but to connect your visuals with a storyline people can relate to. Look around YouTube. There are thousands of videos of water and particle rendering tests, countless hours of disparate imagery. The videos with millions of views are the ones that not only poses complex 3d renderings but a storryline. I do not say this at all to put down this video. The unification of the visuals and the audio must have taken a while, very impressive. Your skill at joining audio and visuals I also perceive. Good Music makes a video, especially a low budget one, infinitely more impactfull. It takes great patience to get all the variables in such programs right. But I have run into similar ruts where I worked on a complex visual sequence with dozens of layers only to find the end result is pretty much pointless. Even the best simulation is only a clever arrangement of pixels on the screen. The solution is to guide the creative process with the definitive goal of telling a story. It does not have to be long, the best stories are as concise as possible. even if it is 30 seconds, if a character, abstract or realistic, is introduced, and this character goes on journey with a catalyst moment and a climax, the viewer can relate infinitely more to a story than a rendering test. Few are those who can appreciate such an exercise at level more than simply acknowledging that work was put into it.

    You have the tools to make great things with computers.

    Apply them to create a distinctive Audio and Visual experience.
