Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spain .gif More frames :)

This is definitely the better version I hope you like it! :)

Also just so you can see, this is the original, i did all the color in the gif by hand. obviously its a lot more subtle than the original.


  1. I see where you are trying to take this, and whatever you think looks good, that's of course entirely up to you. These kind of edits can be taken in so many different directions its impossible to say definitively that something is "good" or bad.

    Given all that, here is my pure, unvarnished constructive criticism;
    I like the original better, the colors look more natural. Looking at them both I first thought that was the final product. I feel the edit dilutes it
    Also, the GIF does not appear to have worked, looks just like a still image

    What I would do with this myself is take the original photograph and tint the entire building the same blue as the base, then slowly erase away the blue layer to reveal the original image so the sun seems to have crept onto the building (or the other way around if you want the sun to be setting. Then, once you have gotten to the end (or the beginning), copy the previous frames in in reverse to take it back to the original state. Thus the sun would appear to continually rise and set. maybe also have the clouds move a little in their own background layer. I can explain this better in person, but my general suggestion would be to make it more saturated and true to the original photo.
    Again, its your project and if you feel you are pointed in the right direction, by all means keep going.

    1. Never mind, the GIF is working, just extremely subtle. Wow, didn't see that at first.
