Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Restraunt Logo

This restaurant is a "pierogie cafe." The name is a play on words from pierogie. When brainstorming, the look of a blue, first prize ribbon came to mind. I pictured this restaurant in downtown Milwaukee, along the lakefront, with young, out of college adults as the main customers. I think it's a success. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Coming from a family of, potato consuming, Chicago Polak's I adore the idea of this restuarant on many levels. I could even see Ogie's as a food truck or cart.
    Should Erika change the color of Ogie's Cafe to a monchromatic color scheme? A dark blue?
    Should the pierogie have an effect(s) applied to it to appear steamed/sauteed etc?
