Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Annie get Your Gun by Rage (COD) Man and Anthony


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  2. by Anthony Ornek and Robbie Barth, but mostly Robbie Barth (Rage Man)
    The background is the cover page of the book Chasing Lincoln Killer. We tried to compliment the "Annie Get Your Gun" with the background headlines. The gun is the Gewher 43.

  3. The background cover page is thrilling on many levels. Especially since Annie Oakley was born soon after the civil war. It's important as a designer to think within these eras, researching commonly used text. The gun is accurate to the era, but feels rigid and bright in conjunction with the background text. In PS the levels could be adjusted, as well as a bit of color correction to make the rifle look aged.
    Great work guys with our limited time frame on this project.
