Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hi AG Students,

Thank you for your continued and growing patience this week as we are wrapping up the restaurant project. As the printer, aka "Rosie",  has been touchy it's best if I position myself by the old girl to make sure the glossy paper feeds correctly.

There are clusters of students who will need an extension to work on the project next week. This is absolutely fine as producing high quality projects is paramount.

On Friday, February 1st let's make a list of students who need one on one time with Mrs. B to adjust and polish their project. We will schedule time before/after school or during a free period for additional work time. For Monday most of the class will be in the library researching and writing in preparation for  the book jacket project.

I'm going to post a document on how to write a book review. As a class we can help each other edit through the class blog.

On Monday, February 11th your book review will be due. This Microsoft Word document needs to be at least 100 words (a half page typed) with 3 quotes. The quotes could be commentary by an reader; a newspaper, an online source, a parent, a friend, etc...There is alot of potential to have fun with the "reader/reviewer" quotes.

Let's keep having fun and staying positive,

Mrs. B

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