Friday, March 1, 2013

Book Jacket-Nathan Washburn

Comments? Concerns? Criticisms?


  1. LOVE the carving Nate
    also love how you repeated the eye on the inside cover as well as the use of it in the title

  2. Weird but neat. The strongest panel is the front cover, which has a really fun take on the traditional odyssey story, looking at it from an almost retro lens. The weakest is the far left panel, in which the blocks that contain the text are a bit distracting. Nice ideas, i like the almost comic book look, if you are still editing would suggest pushing that even further with speech bubbles and other elements like in old comic books. very creative, would personally have never thought of taking something serious like the Odyssey in this direction, but the results are fun. On a very specific detail, the front cover text is a solid red, and bringing the black texture of the monster into it would help integrate it better than as is, where it stands out a bit. (Maybe it is, hard to tell on low res web upload)
