Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Count of Monte Cristo Book Cover

Print was only the carved out letters of "The Count," the rest was digitally added in. Thoughts?


  1. i like where you moved kleins head
    well done
    love the color scheme

  2. Wow. I think the background is simply amazing, really, really, professional looking. When I first saw this i thought it was a real book cover. What tipped me off was the use of text, which, if you are still working on this, could be modified. The authors name in the bottom right and the spine text in particular is a bit big, size it down a bit. The cross hash through the spine title looks a bit awkward, makes it hard to read, but a step in the right direction. looking closely, i would move the levels to make this ever so slightly darker, but of course it always looks darker in print so it's hard to tell. With some small tweaks to the layout and fonts and such, this could really be a perfect cover.
