Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20th-Hangin' with Mrs. Z

Hi AG students,

Today I'm under the weather so you are very fortunate to have Mrs. Z as your sub. She is an artist and has taken printmaking classes in the past. Ask her about her experiences, while showing her the utmost respect.

For class you are at 1 of 3 points in the book jacket process:

1. Carving your block, then inking and printing it in the central art studio. If you are able to print get a classmate to help. Put newspaper under your project. Wash your hands often to keep your paper clean.

2. Finished print. Then proceed to scanning.

3. Scanned print. Move onto layout in PS and text modification/design in Ai.

Remember to bring in a hard or soft cover book to measure for the jacket.

Your scanned print is due Friday! Don't waste precious time.

Help each other and have fun,

Mrs. B

PS-I will be demonstrating Adobe Bridge on Thursday. I expect to see results and hard work.


  1. Thank you. How is class going? Steve, your print turned out excellent yesterday!
